Volume 20, Issue 2 p. 315-336
Original Article

Soaking in tapes: the haptic voice of global Pentecostal pedagogy in Ghana

Bruno Reinhardt

Corresponding Author

Bruno Reinhardt

Utrecht University

Philosophy and Religious Studies, Utrecht University, Janskerkhof 13, 3512 BL, Utrecht, Netherlands, [email protected]Search for more papers by this author
First published: 30 April 2014
Citations: 44


Can a voice touch? This possibility is indeed what underlies ‘soaking in tapes’, a devotional practice performed in Anagkazo Bible and Ministry Training Center, a Pentecostal seminary based in Accra, Ghana. Soaking in tapes is a form of impartation, or grace transmission, homologous to the biblical method of laying on of hands. In this article, I explore the conditions of possibility of this transposition of touch into speaking and hearing, arguing that the haptic voice of soaking in tapes is predicated upon a cultivated receptivity and a specific bond connecting addresser and addressee. I situate the practice in the school's broader pedagogical apparatus, where it operates simultaneously as a spiritual exercise, a method of discipleship, and a technology of church government. I conclude by showing how soaking in tapes gives a pedagogical inflection to the general tactility and flow-orientated materiality of global Pentecostal power.